Q:  How much is shipping on LugLive?

A: We offer our #LugLive shoppers a $9 flat rate for all orders placed during the designated weekly period. (The current weekly period begins every Monday at 9:00am EST and continues through the following Sunday at 11:59pm EST).

If one order of $100+ is placed, you will qualify for free shipping for the week! (This does not apply to several orders totalling $100 placed over the course of the week). 

*Shipping offers may differ every week, so please listen carefully to the timeline the host expresses during the live show or on Lug social media channels. Shipping delays may also happen for unforeseen circumstances or holidays. 


Q: When do my orders ship?

A: All #LugLive orders begin to be processed for shipment on Mondays- following each weekly show period- and in most cases, will ship out from our Lug warehouse within 48 hours. Please note, US orders may expect delays with tracking updates due to UPS delays. 


Q: Why do you only ship orders at the end of the show week?

A: To efficiently package all of you items together, we group a calendar week of orders into one day of shipping. This allows us to give you a great deal on shipping and provides the most effective way for us to process your orders.


Q: What if I order on a Monday?

A: Because orders begin processing for shipment on Mondays, your orders will be received as part of the Tuesday order bundle. Thus, it will be prepared for shipment the following Monday. (This applies to orders that are placed after 11:59pm EST on Sunday). 


Q: Can I pay for expedited shipping?

A: We are working on a solution for those of you who NEED your Lug now! Contact our team by filling out the form at this link: https://www.luglife.com/pages/contact-us for special services.

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